Monitoring Backlinks in 2017 and Why You Should Care

Monitoring backlinks means monitoring references that links to your website URL from other people’s websites.
Backlinks are also one of the important categories in your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Why SEO is important to you is how high your website ranks on search engines. The higher you rank, the more business you get.
If other people’s websites are popular and have more traffic, by referencing your website, your website instantly becomes more valuable. In other words, have more link juice!
Sounds great right? Not so fast.
It is equally true that your website becomes less valuable if websites less popular than you are referencing your website.
Worse, if you are specifically targeted by your competitors to stop your customers from finding you on search engines.
Here’s a real-life case study, a Vancouver mortgage broker’s website. Hopefully, it has not happened to you, but be warned that it can happen to you at anytime.
A local mortgage broker, D (he preferred us not disclosing his name), approached us with an interesting story:
My website was up and running, and business was going well. All of a sudden, my web traffic started dropping, and the phones stopped ringing as often. At first, I thought it was just another slow day so I took the day off, but the next day it was the same, and the week after.”
The mortgage broker reached out to us explaining his situation.
The Coding Bull quickly audited his digital presence, and we saw D’s website is associated with multiple bad reputation websites.
See some examples below:

The Coding Bull discovered 183 bad backlinks, which made up more than 85% of the broker’s overall backlink profile.
It appeared that the bad backlinks were being generated as part of a malicious attack, and continued for more than 8 months.
The Coding Bull worked with all the major search providers to ensure that these backlinks were unassociated so that the SEO of the broker’s website was not impacted.
Here’s a comparison between June 2016 and most recently in January 2017.

Sadly, we have had many customers in this situation.
Most likely it was their competitors who took this underhand practice.
That is why monitoring backlinks are so important in 2017.
The Coding Bull offers business owners peace of mind by continuously monitoring and protecting against these sorts of malicious efforts to discredit their website.
If you would like a free consultation on your website, please send us a quick email at